blessings dear ones!
My name is Sara Rose Bryant and I am the visionary and steward of the sweet little place we call Plant Family. I was born on Duwamish/Coastal Salish/Suquamish land in Seattle WA and moved here to Susquehannock land in Harrisburg 12 years ago to follow my heart in love.
At 15yrs old I experienced my first bodywork session during a very heart wrenching time of life. The art form of hands on healing was deeply moving to me. The session put me back in communion with a peaceful place inside of myself that I felt cut off from in the chaos of that time. Leaving the massage I felt like her hands and presence had invited me back home to myself… and back home to the Earth. I had been unlocked and mended in that short hour. That session activated a yearning in me to create a healing field for people to rest in. I have been following that calling ever since.
I have been devoted to the healing arts for the last 20yrs of my life as a massage therapist. I am also trained and experienced as a yoga teacher, birth & postpartum doula, and community herbalist. I am currently studying clinical herbalism with Sajah Popham of Evolutionary Herbalism.
In my opinion every great city has at least one witchy herb shop, and I always seek them out. Plant Family is a little dream I have had for our city for many moons — a space for our community to have access to their birthright, which is to be in communion with and cared for by the land. Plants are our family. For me, herbal medicine is a reclamation of ancestral ways, a reconnection with an ancient sense of belonging and kinship with the Earth.
My prayer for this space is that it empowers the community to be active participants in their own health and the health of the land. May we be nourished and supported as we traverse these wild times. May the magic of the plants be accessed by all who seek them. May the knowledge and medicines we offer open doors to healing. May we collectively ignite the fire to live in reverence and reciprocity with mama earth.
I’d be honored to work with you on your journey back to wholeness and health. If you are interested in working with me, stop by and say hi during business hours - I am open for guidance most Friday’s and Saturday’s. For bodywork, intuitive guidance, and herbal consultations, my schedule is available online here.
With Love,
Sara Rose
"A true healer does not heal you; she simply reflects back to you your innate capacity to heal. She is a reflector, or a loving transparency. A true teacher does not teach you; she does not see you as inherently separate from her, or less than her. She simply reflects back your own inner knowing, and reminds you of the vastness of your being. She is a mirror, a signpost. And love is the space in which all of this is possible; love heals, and we learn best in a loving field, no threat of failure, no punishment."
— Jeff Foster